

Cyril Lancelin (born in 1975, Lyon, France) is a french artist. After 15 years working for some of the most influential architects and artists in Paris and Los Angeles, Cyril Lancelin decided to start his own creative studio in 2016.

Combining technology and art, he envisions Sculptures and Images bringing the viewer in his digital world, mixing fiction and reality. He questions the artificial landscape. His work often engages the public in immersive installations, forcing the viewer to question their own relationship toward their built environment.

Using parametric tools, he utilizes a vocabulary of classical shapes and volumetric spaces essential to create unique structures. In his vision, forms are used at the architectural scale to create experiential art. He draws assisted by a computer and software design.

All his works on paper or built are always associated with the relationship to the human body, questioning the scale, but mainly bringing identity inside each social image.

Cyril Lancelin lives and works in Lyon, France.


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